Creation Entertainment Vendor Tables and Booths

Participation by Vendors at Creation Entertainment promoted conventions is strictly up to the sole discretion of Creation Entertainment.  Unlike most other fan conventions and “Comic Cons,” Creation Conventions are meant to be smaller, feature more live entertainment and audience/celebrity interaction. We do not allow vendors to offer merchandise that infringes on studio ownership and rights.

Any discussion of what is permissible will be decided by Creation Entertainment.  

We also do not allow Psychics, tarot card readers, palm readers, etc....

You are always allowed to sell product that might appeal to the audience that attends these conventions. It can be genre art, jewelry, novelties and items from other genre series, (we do not allow the sale of pornographic materials). Fan artwork (one of a kind, one piece that is original and not multiple) may be sold. Please email [email protected] with any questions.


  • Photographs or images of the guest stars at the convention in or out of character from the series, photos of other characterS from the series, unless already autographed and sold as such, or one of a kind artwork not printed but sold as original.

At Creation Tour events, the Supernatural Impala may not be displayed on the hotel property in terms of potential revenue, unless authorized by Creation Entertainment in advance.

CREATION ENTERTAINMENT is not responsible for anything lost or stolen at any time during the convention, day or night.  We do suggest vendors carry adequate insurance.

Sales Tax Number:   Every vendor selling, must have a valid Sales Tax Number for the following States: CA, CO, FL, IL, LA, MA, MI, MN, NJ, NC, OH, OK, PA, TN, TX, and WA) at the time of purchase.  This list is subject to change pending government edicts.

Table Prices - Please see each convention city, for table or booth price.

All prices cover all the days of the convention and include: One table which is generally 2 ½ by 6 feet, two chairs, two vendor wristbands to the convention vendors room ONLY during business hours. Because many of our shows have been selling out, the vendor’s passes no longer guarantee access into the theatre.

Tables must be purchased by Monday before the convention weekend (if available). Location of vendor table(s) is assigned in a first come, first serve basis in the order in which you’ve purchased the table(s), no exceptions.


Set-up times are available on the Wednesday after twelve noon PST on our website.  Set-up is done one day prior to the convention date and vendors need to be present to unload that day.

2-day show: (Saturday and Sunday).  Set-up will be Friday afternoon.
3-day show: (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).  Set-up will be Thursday afternoon.

4-day show: (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).  Set-up will be Wednesday afternoon.

5-day show: (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).  Set-up will be Tuesday afternoon.

Vendor’s room is normally open to the public, once set up has been completed and closes late in the evening.  All vendors must be present during the set-up day.  

Should you have any questions, please email [email protected]

Total: $0.00


Vendor Indemnification Agreement

All vendors must agree to and digitally sign the agreement below.

By purchasing a table or booth, each vendor agrees to hold Creation Entertainment and any of its production partners harmless from any loss/damage of merchandise or injury sustained during attendance at its events.

Vendors may not distribute literature promoting other genre events.

Vendors may not collect names, addresses or e-mail addresses of attendees.

Vendors may not "sublet" their space to other companies or person, nor bring celebrities to their table without written approval from Creation Entertainment.

Vendor room is watched by security or locked by the facilities security during non-event hours. Creation Entertainment takes no responsibility for items lost or stolen during the convention, pre and post open to the public hours. It is up to each vendor to carry their own insurance for their inventory.

Please keep your area neat and clean. Kindly bring along a trash bag to collect any unwanted items, food, etc... and properly dispose of it.

Vendor tables are non-refundable.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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